• icsanaas@ukr.net
  • Україна, Одеська обл. cмт. Хлібодарське

Department of introduction and selection of uncommon fruit, decorative and aromatic plants

Head of department

Hrabovetska Olha, candidate of biological sciences

Contact Information: olgagrabovetskay@ukr.net;

Main directions of scientific activity:

  • Expansion of the biological diversity of rare fruit, fruit, decorative, medicinal and aromatic crops in the steppe zone of southern Ukraine through introduction.
  • Creation and preservation of collection, selection and research and production plantations for the purpose of initial study and selection of the best samples for transfer to the State variety testing.
  • Study of the variability potential of species and selection of the most productive and stable forms from populations.
  • Complex development of new, most promising methods of introduction and expansion of the range of cultural flora.
  • Creation of new varieties of rare fruit, decorative, medicinal and aromatic crops promising for cultivation not only in the south of Ukraine, but also in more northern areas.
  • Study of new varieties and forms of new rare fruit, fruit, decorative, medicinal and aromatic crops with the aim of selecting the most promising ones for use in selection and introduction into production in the steppe zone of southern Ukraine.
  • Popularization and introduction into production of economically valuable new species and varieties of plants that are being studied.

Scientific developments:

Methodological recommendations: The use of decorative and aromatic plants in the landscaping of settlements in the southern Steppe zone of Ukraine.; Lavandula hybrida. Biology, biochemistry, agricultural technology and peculiarities of cultivation in the conditions of the Kherson region; Cultivation of decorative and aromatic plants in the conditions of the Kherson region (Helichrysum italicum and Satureja montana); Cultivation of Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine; Use of Zizyphus jujuba Mill. in the greening of the steppe zone of the south of Ukraine.

Monographs: Preservation and enrichment of plant resources through introduction, selection and biotechnology; Modern technology of growing grape seedlings with a closed root system;

Assortment of decorative plants for landscaping settlements in the Steppe zone of Ukraine.

Author’s certificates for plant varieties: Asimina triloba, Zizyphus jujuba, Diospyros, caryopteris incana, Monarda fistulosa, Monarda didyma, Artemisia balchanorum, Artemisia absinthium, Lavandula angustifolia , Lavandula hybrida, Satureja montana;

Utility model patents: Certificate of registration of the Marked collection of persimmons in the National Center of Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine